Newsletter Video, July 2020
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Gentle Hip Range of Motion and Stretches
(Exercise videos courtesy of Real Time Rehab)
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. They are not a substitute for physical therapy or medical treatment. Before you try this or any other exercise program, consult with your physical therapist or doctor.
Single Knee to Chest
- Lie on back with knees bent
- Raise one foot up off surface
- Pull knee toward chest until a comfortable stretch is felt
- Sets: 1
- Repetitions: 3
- Sessions: 1 Every other day
- As Tolerated
- Hold Time: 30 seconds
- Repeat on Both Sides
Hip Flexor Stretch
- Lie on back with one leg hanging over side of bed
- Pull opposite knee tight toward your chest until comfortable stretch is felt
- Sets: 1
- Repetitions: 3
- Sessions: 1 Every other day
- As Tolerated
- Hold Time: 30 seconds
- Repeat on Both Sides
Hip External Rotation with Bent Knee in Supine
- Lie on back with one knee bent
- With stomach muscles tight, slowly lower bent knee away from body and back to midline
- Keep opposite leg straight and hips in contact with surface
- Sets: 1
- Repetitions: 3
- Sessions: 1 Every other day
- As Tolerated
- Hold Time: 30 seconds
- Repeat on Both Sides
Piriformis Stretch
- Lie on back
- Bend one knee up and grab with opposite hand
- Pull leg across the body and up toward shoulder until a comfortable stretch is felt
- Sets: 1
- Repetitions: 3
- Sessions: 1 Every other day
- As Tolerated
- Hold Time: 30 seconds
- Repeat on Both Sides
For a PDF printable version of these exercises go to:
Quality Sleep is as Important as Exercise and Nutrition
Here are some tips from the National Institute on Aging:

Newsletter Video Archive
The information in this video is intended for informational and educational purposes only and in no way should be taken to be the provision or practice of physical therapy, medical, or professional healthcare advice or services. The information should not be considered complete or exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes without first consulting with your physical therapist, occupational therapist, physician or other healthcare provider. The owners of this website accept no responsibility for the misuse of information contained within this website.